

Posted on in Astrology by SEAH® LLC

January 20 - February 18As midwinter arrives on January 20th the sun enters Aquarius . Inspired by the increase of light, Aquarius people look forward and think outside the box . Like their symbol, the Water Bearer that pours knowledge and wisdom earthward, Aquarius seeks to nurture humanity.   A...

It's Capricorn Season!

Posted on in Astrology by SEAH® LLC

Capricorns, like their symbol the Steady Mountain Goat, navigate through life, undaunted by the difficult pathway to the summit. They are confidant, resilient, patient, and filled with endurance, eager to meet the challenges of ascent.   Capricorns understand that slow steady steps in time lead t...

Welcome to Sagittarius Season November 22 - December 21

Posted on in Astrology by SEAH® LLC

The final weeks of autumn are upon us. As we travel through this darkest tunnel of our year be on the lookout for the shining Sagittarians to light the way. These bright companions are the storytellers of the Zodiac. With a Sagittarius you will find an optimist with a social streak and a love of...